Internal Events
The recruitment process takes place two times a year, every autumn and spring. In this way we increase the number of BEST Cluj-Napoca members and in the same time we try to maintain the quality of the organization.
Every season, over 100 students apply, who go through a selection process which has two phases: an interview and a case study. In the end only the ones that proved themselves eager to learn and work in a team are recruited, thus being easier for them to develop through training sessions and implication in different events.
The recruitment process can last up to two weeks.

Friends and Alumni Meeting
Friends and Alumni Meeting is an internal event that represents a celebration opportunity for our members. Every year, members with experience that helped with the development of our organization have their work acknowledged and celebrated, becoming alumni and being thanked for the work they invested.
During the whole event, friends and acquaintances are beside the new alumni, spending quality time together. The event takes place once a year and lasts three days.

With the occasion of our anniversary, we organize contests and games for the students and we take part in a formal gala where we present our yearly activity and recognize those that made an impact in our organization. This happens not only for the members, but also for the long-term contributors and the people representing the University.
Because in 2020 our organization turns 25 years of activity in the Technical University, we wish to emphasize the importance of this event through different activities which involve not only students, but also the organization's contributors and the members of the management of the Technical University.

General Assembly
The general meetings take place three times a year. These are extraordinary meetings which last a whole day, during which it is discussed all the activity of the organization up to that point and the events that follow.
This is also an opportunity for the freshmen to become full members, the future coordinators are voted and the reports and strategies are analyzed. At this meeting participate all the members.

Motivational Weekend
Motivational Weekend is an event meant to integrate the freshmen in BEST Cluj-Napoca family through a series of trainings, get-to know games and sharing sessions. All these have a very important meaning in the life of the organization because it facilitates communication between older and newer members and contributes to the integration and the personal development of the freshmen.
Throughout three days, there are soft skill trainings for personal development, themed parties every evening, as well as discussion groups with older members sharing their experience. The event takes place two times a year, every autumn and spring, after the recruitment.

Every year BEST organizes events for students.
Develop yourself with our courses all around Europe.
BEST offers career support services for students.