BEST International

Our values


We adapt to the daily changing conditions


Helps us relax, gets us to know each other


Teamwork, trust, communication


Continuous growth through constant evaluation


Enrich our skills and knowledge

What is


BEST, Board of European Students of Technology, is a constantly growing non-profit and non-political organization. Since 1989 we provide communication, co-operation and exchange possibilities for students all over Europe.

93 Local BEST Groups (LBGs) in 33 countries are creating a growing, well organized, powerful, young and innovative student network. More than 3300 members are involved in the daily development of our services and 1.3 million students are involved in our events and initiatives.

What does BEST


BEST strives to help European students of technology to become more internationally minded, by reaching a better understanding of European cultures and developing capacities to work on an international basis.

By taking part in BEST courses and engineering competitions, students have the opportunity to extend their knowledge in fields which are complementary to their engineering education. Not only that, but BEST also creates the possibility for its members to exchange information and gain experience by organizing these events.

What are the objectives of


BEST wants to broaden students’ horizons regarded to workplaces by offering career-related events (job fairs, company days, workshops) and with the help of the international career center.

Eventually, BEST managed to develop its own training system, for better sustaining its members who have the possibility of improving their skills and knowledge by taking part in training events.

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